Indoor air monitoring products

Track, Analyse and Fix Your Indoor Air Problems!

Air quality matters.

Air quality is in direct correlation with our life expectancy, our mental and physical health. Protect yourself with the right solution.

Become a Breezzz-X

18% increase in employee production with good air quality

57% less employee absenteeism

33% improvement of loyalty of your employees and customers

Do you want that for your business?

Efficent Air monitoring products

Understand your indoor air quality with these products that monitors PM2.5 (fine particles), VOCs (chemicals), CO2, Temperature, and Humidity.

Now, more than ever, the need for pure air is of upmost importance

Part of the Beyond Sustainable Corporation, BedBreeZzz believes in providing people with health focused products, solutions and services.

That is why we have created a unique indoor air quality monitoring service as well as partnered with world-leading monitoring systems.

Please review the different health focused products and solutions we offer.

You might find something you like!

Learn more about us

BedBreeZzz Inc. is part of Beyond Sustainable Corporation.
Tying nature to our everyday life.

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The best way to understand your indoor air quality

Track any air pollutants in your home with this high-quality system. Your life will get better.

No more sneezing, you'll have healthier lungs, your skin condition will improve and you'll sleep better too!.

Get a Laser Egg Now!

Schools, nursing homes, businesses?

COVID-19 has shown us that schools and nursing homes are among the facilities that are most at risk for poor indoor air quality.

Is your facility at risk of indoor air pollution?

Regain control with AirQtrack.

Need another health focused solution?

We got your back! We've partnered with the best health focused companies worldwide to bring you unique health products.

Trusted by these companies

Featured "Breezzz" video